Introduction to the Vibrant World of Oolong Teas | Presentation and TEA TASTING 08.FEB.17:30


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Join us for an exploration into the fascinating realm of Oolong (or Wulong) tea during our upcoming program | Specific characteristics and flavor profiles of Oolong teas: Anxi Oolong, Wuyi Yancha, Formosa High Mountain Oolong, Feng Huang Dancong.

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Join us for an exploration into the fascinating realm of Oolong (or Wulong) tea during our upcoming program, where we aim to deepen your understanding of the tea sort’s variety, its rich history, and its distinctive place within the diverse world of teas.
Following the presentation, you’ll gain valuable insights and indulge in diverse flavor experiences as we prepare and taste the highlighted tea varieties together, engaging your senses in aroma, taste, aftertaste, and overall physical impact.

Location and time: 08.FEB.2024 17:30-19:30, Flying Bird Tea Bar Wien, 1060 Schmalzhofgasse 14/10

Partially oxidised oolong/wulong tea has gained popularity among European tea enthusiasts for its unique enjoyment value. The various groups of oolong teas showcase specific characteristics and flavor profiles shaped by differences in growing conditions, cultivation methods, and processing techniques.

Throughout the event, we’ll delve into details of the following oolong varieties:

  1. Anxi Oolong – Fujian, China
  2. Formosa High-Mountain Oolong – Taiwan
  3. Wuyi Yan Cha – Fujian, China
  4. Feng Huang Dancong – Guangdong, China
  5. The Aging of Oolong Teas

Our knowledgeable hosts for the evening are Anna Wagner [International Tea Sommelier] and Gergo Solyom. The first presentation will be conducted in English.
As part of the experience, you’ll receive a tasting sheet to record your observations, fostering an interactive element for the program. We’re excited to share this informative journey with you and look forward to your participation.







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Important Facts and Effects


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