Portioning tea

The strength and intensity of the final brew can be greatly influenced by the ratio of tea to water. We should consider the generally accepted values in traditional and western tea culture as a starting point to yield a flavorful brew. Gaining proficiency in using the correct amount of tea greatly facilitates everyday tea brewing. It is only for a few weeks that you may have to measure tea portions in grams. Soon enough you will learn to find the correct amount of tea without measuring.

3 grams tea leaves from different types vary in volume

The correct portion depends also on the type of tea, so we will provide the values by type.

Tea Type Cha Dao/Gongfu Brewing g/100 ml Western Brewing g/100 ml
White tea 3g/100-120 ml 1-2 g/100 ml
Chinese + Taiwan Green tea 3g/100-120 ml 1-2 g/100 ml
Japanese Green tea Sencha 6g/150 ml 2 g/ 100 ml
Japanese Green tea Gyokuro 6g/100 ml Ceremonial tea, traditionally prepared
Green Oolong tea – China (Qing Cha) 5g/100-120 ml 2 g/ 100 ml
Taiwan Oolong tea – High mountain oolong 5g/100-120 ml 2 g/ 100 ml
Wuyi Yan Cha – Wuyi Oolong tea 3g/100-120 ml Ceremonial tea, traditionally prepared
Feng Huang Dancong Cha – Dancong Oolong tea 3g/100-120 ml Ceremonial tea, traditionally prepared
Chinese Golden Bud Red/Black tea – Hong Cha 3g/100-120 ml 1-2 g/100 ml
Chinese Red/Black tea – Hong Cha 3g/100-120 ml 1-2 g/100 ml
Young Sheng Puer tea 5g/100-120 ml Ceremonial tea, traditionally prepared
Old Sheng Puer tea + Shu Puer tea 5g/100-120 ml Ceremonial tea, traditionally prepared
Chinese Hei Cha – Fuzhuan, Anhua Cha, Lui Bao Cha 5g/100-120 ml Ceremonial tea, traditionally prepared

It is important to know, that the brew’s strength or caffeine content is also determined by the tea-to-water ratio. Many believe that the brew will become stronger by steeping it longer, this is however false. If you want a stronger brew, increase the amount of tea leaves, if you want a lighter brew, reduce the amount of tea in the water.

A flat tablespoon of each tea variety, or a four finger pinch, is enough for traditional preparation, or western style for a filter mug or middle size teapot.