Formosa Lishan 2024 Oolong | Crystal Orchids and Lily Fragrance, High Mountain Specialty


A floral, citrusy-sweet, slightly oxidized oolong with aromas of white peach. Pear Mountain (Lishan) oolong is considered the king of Taiwanese high mountain oolongs.



Taiwan, Taichung, Lishan, 2024


A lingering floral breath, a heavenly-tasting brew, the usual Lishan flavor characterizes this high-mountain oolong from one of the highest tea regions in Taichung County. It has a unique flavour, a fruity aroma of quince and pear, a concentrated floral fragrance and a velvety fullness. There is a definite and lingering sweetness on the finish. The bouquet is striking, perhaps reminiscent of elderflowers in bud. There is a cleaner, cooler, distinctly high mountain character lingering in the finish. This Lishan in particular is intense and fresh, naturally sweet, like a delicious fruit juice. The floral character with sweet spicy aromas, mostly vanilla and cloves, is particularly enjoyable!

Pear Mountain (Lishan) oolong is considered the king of Taiwanese high mountain oolongs. The gardens at 1800-2400m are harvested only twice a year, so the natural yield limitation results a very rich and complex tea due to the nutrients accumulated in the leaf and buds.

Local farmers plant lots of flowering trees and fruit trees between the rows, which bloom when the tea buds. This is one of the ways they try to flavour the tea 🙂 In the old days, this mountain– Pear Mountain– was used to grow fruit (pears, apples), but globalization has ruined the fruit growers, so they cut down the trees to plant more profitable crops in their place. Tea has been the more profitable. Many people smell the pear and cherry blossom in the infusion 🙂


Inspiring, Fresh, Juicy, Floral, Energizing, Complex, Long-lasting, Ceremonial tea


A) Traditional way in a gaiwan/clay teapot: 3-5 grams + 150-200 ml water. According to the Gongfucha, brew several times at 85-90°C, for 80-90 seconds. / 12 inf.

B) Western brewing: 3-5 grams + 300-500 ml water.  Infuse with 80-90 C° water 4 times, for  2-3 minutes. / 3 inf.

Important Facts and Effects

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