Taiwanese White GABA Tea | Large leaves, with Apple, Cinnamon and Vanilla notes


Large, stemmed leaves and soft, vanilla-apple scents characterize this fine GABA tea. Caff +, Beginner



Taiwan, 2024


Large, dry leaves with long stems… the dry tea is characterized by soft vanilla and apple-cinnamon scents. Find a larger gaiwan, pot, or vessel for the handful of tea so that the water can smoothly embrace the leaves. The tart, honeyed, soothing aromas characteristic of GABA teas are also beautifully present here, but give the infusions time for the warming aromas to emerge nicely.


Contrary to the usual procedures used for green teas, this tea undergoes 10 hours of vacuum anaerobic fermentation before baking, converting the glutamic acid in the leaves into gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that complexly influences communication between brain neurons, reducing anxiety and excitement responses, and overall decreasing irritability. The absorption of orally administered GABA is currently under investigation. These studies use EEG to evaluate changes in stress response in the central nervous system following intake. The results are not yet conclusive, but Japanese scientists have measured favorable changes in ANS functions (heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, pupil response) 30-60 minutes after GABA consumption, indicating reduced stress.

The Taste of GABA:

In tea, GABA results in an intensely sweet, slightly tangy infusion that is creamy, buttery, full-bodied, and oilily clear. Fermentation completely eliminates the bitterness and astringency from tannins, enhancing the vegetable, corn-like, rich flavor, as if sipping a fine vegetable broth.


Low in Caffeine, Intense Taste, Calming Tea, Thoughtful Aromas, Specialty for Afternoons


A) Traditional way in a gaiwan/clay teapot: 3-5 grams + 150-200 ml water. According to the Gongfucha, brew several times at 85-90°C, for 40-60 seconds. / 10 inf.

B) Western brewing: 3-5 grams + 300-500 ml water.  Infuse with 80-90 C° water 2-3 times, for  1-2 minutes. / 3 inf.

Important Facts and Effects

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