Introduction to the world of Pu’er tea | Presentation and TEA TASTING ~ 05.APR.Fri.17:30


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Join us for an exploration into the fascinating realm of Pu’er (or puerh) tea during our upcoming program | Cultural significance, Sheng and Shu, Harvesting, Processing, Storage, Tea mountains, Values of puerh tea. Participation requires a certain level of tea experience. Thank you for your understanding.

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Join us for an exploration into the fascinating realm of Pu’er (or Puerh) tea during our upcoming program, where we aim to deepen your understanding of this tea variety, its rich history, and its distinctive place within the diverse world of teas. In the tasting, we will prepare a young, a moderately aged, and a fully aged tea to help you understand the aging process. We will also discuss the energetic value of puer, but understanding this requires years of practicing ☼ Participation requires a certain level of tea experience. Thank you for your understanding.

Location and time: 05.APR.2024 17:30-20:00, Flying Bird Tea Bar Wien, 1060 Schmalzhofgasse 14/10

Pu’erh tea originates from the borders of Yunnan Province, South China. It is often harvested from ancient tea trees, sun-dried, and processed according to unique methods, resulting distinctive characteristics and ancient, earthy flavor. Pu’erh undergoes post-fermentation and aging, developing into a unique and amazing tea. Its compressed variants are becoming increasingly popular worldwide due to their energizing and stimulating effects. We will delve deeper into this tea variety during this event. The maximum number of participants for the event is 12 people.

Main topics

  1. The cultural-historical significance of pu’erh tea
  2. Production conditions, population, and geological conditions
  3. The two basic types of pu’erh tea, sheng and shu
  4. Harvesting and processing methods
  5. Pressing technologies and form variations
  6. Storage and aging methods of pu’erh tea
  7. Most famous tea regions, mountains, and villages
  8. Content and internal values of pu’erh tea
  9. Evaluation of pu’erh tea

Our knowledgeable hosts for the evening are Anna Wagner [International Tea Sommelier] and Gergo Solyom. The presentation will be conducted in English.
We’re excited to share this informative journey with you and look forward to your participation.











Important Facts and Effects


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